3 Reasons Why Your Vehicle Needs a Regular Oil Change

Has it been a while since you got an oil change on your vehicle? If so, consider making an appointment at your local Ford dealership. Our service department has fast and reliable service, provided by our Ford-certified mechanics. 

You can not overestimate the necessity of getting a regular oil change. If you want to make sure the longevity of your engine and keep your vehicle running smoothly and safely, your vehicle needs an oil change. Keep reading to understand why a regular oil change is so necessary. 

Regular Oil Change

How often do you change your oil?

3 Reasons to Get an Oil Change

1) Lubrication of Parts

It is necessary to comprehend that the primary function of oil is to provide lubrication of engine parts. Some of these engine parts have tiny spaces in between them, so it is essential to keep that space lubricated. Otherwise, the parts will begin to rub against each other and chip. 

2) Longer-Lasting Engine

Getting an oil change for your vehicle is just one more way to ensure your engine runs better than ever. As mentioned above, if a regular oil change is not completed, the consequences could spell the end of your vehicle. 

Essentially, when the oil dries up, it turns into a sludge, which can clog your vehicle’s engine. Furthermore, when engine parts are not lubricated, they will chip. Those shavings end up in the engine, which is bad news. 

If this happens, it is only a matter of time before your vehicle’s engine begins to decline in performance. The cost-effective way to prevent this from occurring is to invest in an oil change. Most mechanics will recommend that you do so every three months or six thousand miles, whichever comes first. 

Regular Oil Change

Regular Oil Change

3) Better Functioning Vehicle

You can ensure your vehicle’s longevity by merely taking it in for an oil change on a regular basis. When engine parts are well lubricating, and oil flows freely through the engine, your vehicle will run better than ever. Optimize your vehicle’s performance by getting a regularly scheduled oil change!

But First Call Ford Service Coupon!

Before you bring your car in for service at your local Ford dealership, give Ford Service Coupon a call. For generations, the Ford Motor Company has kept its focus on providing innovative products and affordable service. Ford Service Coupon has countless deals on tiresbatteriesbrakes, and oil changes. Call or visit our website today!