Three Essential Aspects of Proper Tire Maintenance

Most drivers have experienced the frustration that comes with getting a flat tire while on the road. It can be a frightening experience if you are driving when the tire loses air. However, you can prevent yourself from being stranded on the road by completing a simple tire check before driving.

Checking your tires is an effortless task. Just going to each one and testing the pressure, tread, and tire conditions can prevent situations like the one above. Furthermore, these three essential aspects of proper tire maintenance are what mechanics use to gauge the reliability of your tires. 

So, when was the last time you check your tire pressure? Tread? Have you recently checked for punctures or foreign objects stuck in the tire? Keep reading to find out why these three factors are so essential to the longevity of your tires. You will also learn how the Ford Motor Company makes it more affordable than ever to get a new set of tires! Bring your vehicle to your local Ford service department for tire pressure and tread check!

3 Critical Aspects of Proper Tire Maintenance

If you have any questions about the three essential aspects of proper tire maintenance, give us a call today!

3 Factors that Affect the Longevity of Your Tires

1) Pressure

Tire pressure is measured in PSI. Since 2007, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has required a tire gauge to be built into the vehicle.

However, if your car was manufactured prior to that year, you will likely have to check it yourself, using a portable tire gauge. The whole process is straightforward, and you can find the recommended pressure setting on the label inside the driver’s side door.

Having the right tire pressure is essential to maintaining the proper tension against the road’s surface. Oppositely, an overinflated tire can cause a blowout.

Remember, as the vehicles move, the tires collect heat. When the air within the tire is heated, it expands. Therefore, most mechanics recommend that you put in the proper pressure amount rather than the maximum.

2) Tread

Tire tread is the portion of the wheel that comes into contact with the road’s surface as you drive. Tread depth refers to the depth of the grooves on your tire. 

You can quickly determine the tread depth of your tires by conducting a ‘penny test.’ Simply place a penny, with Lincoln’s head facing down, into a groove. If you can see the top of his head, the tires need to be replaced. However, if all or most of his head is hidden, the tread depth is still ideal!

3) Condition

Over time your tires will begin to display typical signs of wear and tear. It is recommended that drivers replace their tires every six years or so. Largely, it will depend on the tread depth and several other factors like road conditions. It is also important to keep in mind that severe weather conditions like heat and freezing temperatures can affect the state of your tires.

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