Home » Jackson OH Ford Dealership Oil Change

Jackson OH Ford Dealership Oil Change

If your vehicle requires a Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change, visit Mark Porter Ford, where they have oil change specialists everywhere you look! These experts have experience working on every type of Ford model, so you can rest easy when you bring your ride in. Also, when you partner our amazing coupons with their incredible prices, you will pay less than you would elsewhere.

Even though an oil change isn’t the most complex repair under the sun, we know it is hard for the average Joe to make time for. Work, children, and other relationships often consume your time and keep you from your vehicle’s issues. When you do find the time to sit down and focus on your oil change, there is no guarantee you’ll have the tools to pull it off.

However, when you choose any Ford dealership for an oil change, they are well equipped to handle this repair. A Ford dealership has the latest tools and equipment, making the oil change process much more effortless than in years past.

When you go to smaller repair shops, beware of the scams they will try to pull regarding your oil change. Some shops will attempt to convince you that your oil needs to change more frequently than it does. This is a way for them to make money out of people that aren’t wise enough to follow the maintenance schedule.

Also, they will try to upsell you on what type of oil your vehicle needs. They will tell you that your vehicle needs synthetic when regular motor oil will suffice. Some repair shops won’t even include a free oil filter when they change your oil. Oil filters cost repair shops next to nothing, so if it doesn’t come with your oil change, run!

A Jackson, OH Ford Dealership Oil Change Can Work Wonders For Your Vehicle!

Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change

We can help you save on a Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change.

Even if smaller companies don’t have any ill intent, some shops just do not have the manpower of a Ford dealership. They might leave your car there for hours upon hours, tending to other customers that were there before you. However, when you visit Mark Porter Ford, they have a plethora of expert technicians standing by.

Ford’s resources are virtually unlimited, being one of the biggest corporations in the world, and this means they have the manpower to get you in and out. The Ford Motor Company has been the leader in vehicle technology since this great company was founded in 1903. When advances in oil change technology started to happen in the early 20th century, Ford was right there moving the needle.

Ford: The Oil Filtration Innovators

Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change

Ford has made many advancements to oil change technology over the last century.

In the early-1900s, Ford took the lead in the research and development of new oil filter technologies that were later adopted by the entire automotive industry. Though other companies used a different approach to oil filtration, Ford’s original system is still used today on many engines.

The basics of oil filtration have not changed much over the last 100 years. The main purpose of an oil filter is to remove contaminants from engine oil before it recirculates through the engine. This helps the engine last longer by keeping harmful particles from damaging engine parts.

The most common type of oil filter is a canister oil filter. Canister oil filters are placed in an easily accessible location on the engine so they can be replaced regularly. The canister contains a pleated paper filter element that catches contaminants as the oil flows through it.

When the filter element becomes full of contaminants, it needs to be replaced with a new one. Depending on your driving habits, you should replace your oil filter every 7,500 to 10,000 miles. Therefore, to have your oil filter changed and receive a  Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change, swing by Mark Porter Ford today!

Motor Oil Is The Lifeblood Of Your Vehicle

Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change

Changing an oil filter is just as important as changing the oil.

Just like human blood is essential for the survival of all homo sapiens, motor oil is just as crucial to the health of your vehicle.

The oil in your car has three purposes: to lubricate, cool, and clean. The oil’s lubrication prevents certain parts from rubbing against each other, which could cause unrepairable damage. This also stops the engine from overheating and carries dirt and grime from the engine to the oil filter.

Many companies will tell you that you need to change your oil every 3,000 miles, but Ford has done our own research, and we have found this to be a marketing gimmick. Ford recommends changing your oil based on the driving conditions and usage of your vehicle.

The average driver will only need to change their oil every 7,500 miles or once a year, whichever comes first. The ideal oil change interval just truly depends on your driving schedule, but there is no way every 3,000 miles is what your vehicle needs. The only thing that this interval is helping is these companies’ bottom lines.

When you visit a Ford dealership, they will thoroughly inspect your vehicle to determine what type of schedule you should get on. These service members know which vehicles should come in sooner and which ones can maybe push it to more than 7,500 miles. A dealership won’t know how they can help you until you swing by, so visit Mark Poter Ford now!

Schedule Your Oil Change Today!

To schedule an oil change, be sure to call your local Ford dealership! If you don’t have time to schedule one, that is okay too; you can head down to The Quick Lane for fast walk-ins. Also, if you need them to check your brakes and batteries or even a genuine Ford part, there is no better place! Above all, the experts at Mark Porter Ford can’t wait to help you out with an affordable Jackson, OH Ford dealership oil change today!

Jackson, OH Fun Facts:

  • The record high temperature ever recorded in Jackson is 104 degrees.
  • Jackson residents have one library to visit called The Jackson City Library.
  • The record low temperature ever recorded in Jackson is -31 degrees.