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Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane

If you require a quick repair that doesn’t last all day, Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane is exactly what you’ve been searching for! At Ford Service Coupon, we pride ourselves on not only bringing you the quickest car repairs but also the highest quality. Our certified Ford mechanics are here for your every need and strive to fix you up with the quickness you’ve come to expect at a Ford dealership.

For over 100 years, Ford has aimed to put the safest, most innovative automobiles on the road. But that’s not where our mission stops. Our aim is to provide you with excellent service day in and day out at each one of our locations. Excellent service means many things to us.

Firstly, here at your local Pikeville location, we strive to create a kind atmosphere always to make you feel welcome. Any questions you ask of our highly trained team, we will be right there to answer. We truly look at all of our customers as a family here at our Pikeville location.

If You Need Quick Repairs, Choose Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane

Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane

Take the Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane on the way to affordable prices! Try our Quick Lane service if you need the quickest repair around!

A lot of companies say they treat their customers like family, but to us, it isn’t just some silly catchphrase. The policies that Ford has established and we have implemented have family values baked in them. Therefore you can expect this to overflow to all areas of service we offer here at our Pikeville location.

Above all, you can expect never to be taken advantage of when you come into any of our repair shops. After all, patching you up just enough only to come back in two weeks for the same issue is not how you treat “family.” We don’t replicate the shady business practices of other auto repair companies.

Every time you come into one of our Ford dealerships, our mechanics will only repair the root issue. If there is another problem we find that is affecting your vehicle, we will consult you on if it is vital to you to fix it. If it is, we will get to work on the issue immediately!

The Quick Lane Is The Fastest Lane Around!

If you need the fastest car repair service in all of Kentucky, make sure you try our Quick Lane service. With over 800 locations, if you need one outside of Pikeville, KY, we are sure to have one closer to you. All of our Quick lane locations are staffed by only the highest trained, most expert mechanics around! This way, you can feel comfortable no matter where you go in the country; you are in good hands.

No matter what Ford dealership you go to in the country, you can expect swift and speedy service. But when you choose our unique Quick Lane service, you will be guaranteed to get your vehicle repaired swiftly and be out of there in no time. This is because our mechanics that work in this department have been trained to achieve results more quickly than our regular mechanics. Their specialty is speed, so no matter what repairs your car requires, Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane can help.

Types Of Services The Quick Lane Offers

Pikeville KY ford fast lane

Don’t neglect to fix faulty brakes. It is for the safety of all drivers!

Brakes. Fixing faulty brakes on your vehicle is one of the most essential car parts you can repair. It is not just important because they prevent damage to your vehicle; brakes are a lifesaver.

Having brakes that work perfectly is what every driver on the road is expecting you to have. When your breaks wear down, you are not only putting your life at risk, but you are also putting every other motorist’s life at risk also.

In some cases, brakes go out immediately, and these situations can be among the most dangerous hazards on the road. But this is extremely rare. Usually, brakes wear down over time, and they are hard not to notice. Between a loud screeching, a roaring vibration, or indicator lights, you will always be able to notice the degradation of your brakes.

Don’t put off these vital repairs! Come see us at the Quick Lane service, and we will fix your brakes and have you rolling safely again.

Tires. Tires are another service we specialize in here at Quick Lane. This is another repair that many people put off before it is too late. Many times tires, if they are worn down enough, will even bust and put you at risk of getting in a horrific accident.

We have certified tire professionals standing by waiting to diagnose your tire problems.

Whether you need a complete tire change or you just need a tire rotation, we specialize in the most speedy tire service around. Come see us at Quick Lane, and we will make sure to have your tire problems resolved swiftly.

Other Services We Provide.

Pikeville KY ford fast lane

Check out Ford Service Coupon for the best deals around!

Battery. Most drivers are quick to blame their battery for their vehicle having problems starting up. However, sometimes the battery isn’t the culprit. It could be your starter, alternator, or any other numerous mechanical issue.

If you suspect your battery is dead, swing by, and we will check it out for you!

Oil Change. Most companies advise you to get your oil changed after 3,000 miles. This is just a ploy to get you to use their services to get your hard-earned money. In reality, changing your oil after 7500 miles or so is what we recommend.

If it’s been a while, or you just want to check the life of your engine oil, stop by! If you do need an oil change, our quick team will have you in and out in no time!

OEM Parts. We have original equipment manufacturer parts at all of our dealerships as well. So no matter if you trust the Ford brand above all others or are a car enthusiast trying to keep everything original for real, we got what you need!

Come See Us Or Give Us A Call!

We cant wait to hear from you and answer any questions or concerns you might have, so give us a call. If you need help at any of our other locations, we are sure to have one in your neck of the woods, so visit Ford Service Coupon and find your nearest Quick Lane. We cant wait to see you and help you with all your vehicle repair needs in the Pikeville KY Ford Fast Lane!

Pikeville Fun Facts:

  • The population of Pikeville is just above 6,000 inhabitants.
  • Initially, Pikeville was named Piketon when the town was established in 1824.
  • In 1957 a disastrous flood swept through Pikeville leaving most of the city underwater.