Home » Charleston WV Windshield Wiper Coupons

Charleston WV Windshield Wiper Coupons

Are you looking for Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons? If so, visit your local Ford dealership for the most complete list of available coupons for you to use on your next wiper purchase. Like many other car parts, your windshield wipers are easily neglected and forgotten about. Though they truly don’t require much maintenance, it is important to know when to replace them. Faulty wipers can impair your vision easily in rough weather conditions, which can be dangerous.

Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons

View our full selection of Motorcraft parts on our website!

Your wipers act as your first and most important line of protection against storms, and they are the only real way to effectively see what’s coming your way. The first and original windshield wiper wasn’t actually invented until 1903.

But since then, many advancements have been made so windshield wipers operate as effectively as they possibly can today. Now, more than ever, they are extremely beneficial to cars all around the world.

The enhancements that have been made make it so much easier today for people to navigate rough weather conditions. Moreover, with their implementation, they are the only safe way to drive in the rain. Their main purpose is to rid your view of debris and other things that may affect your on-the-road-vision. With today’s technological advancements, more advanced types of wipers are able to remove even the most caked-on dirt.

Common Wiper Issues

Just like any other part of your car, your windshield wipers easily run into issues as well. When it’s time to replace them, look to no place other than your local Ford dealership for a full and wide selection of replacement wipers. Some signs that you might need to replace your wipers are:

  • Squeaking when in use or dry wiping sounds are the most common sign that you need to replace your wipers. This is an easy fix, but in certain cases, our Ford technicians might have to complete a more thorough inspection.

If you keep up with your wipers, there shouldn’t ever be any serious issues that occur. Moreover, you will have a much safer drive while out on the road. To easily maintain the life of your wipers, clean them weekly. You can do this by taking a wet rag and wiping it along the edges of your wiper’s blades.

Regular cleaning of your wipers helps remove caked-on dirt and grime that accumulates with regular use. In addition, while you’re checking out your brakes, it is best to inspect other parts of your wipers for rips, tears, or cracks that can reduce their overall effectiveness.

When you check your wipers, remember to check the wiper fluid levels too. With fluids, you need to make sure that the compartments are always filled at least to the minimum fluid level. This will help keep your system running smoothly. Moreover, depending on where you live, fluid retention levels will vary.

If you live in a hotter climate, the fluids tend to evaporate much easier than in a colder climate. As a result, we recommend checking all fluid levels at least every other month. Lastly, refrain from using harsh or strong chemicals in your car. This can easily damage your car’s internal system by causing residue buildup.

If you need help with your wipers or would like a thorough inspection, bring them to your local Ford dealership. We are more than happy to help you apply your Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons.

How to Change Windshield Wipers

When you’re running low on time but need your wipers replaced, head over to our website and purchase them from there, our website has an entire selection of wipers that will exceed your needs. Even better, all of our parts are OEM, even the wipers. So you can always be sure that you’re receiving a high-quality product in addition to our services.

Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons

Save money by visiting us and using our OEM products

OEM parts help keep your vehicle running efficiently. Replacing your wipers is easy when you have the exact parts and tools you need. To find out what wipers work best for your car, head on over to our official website and enter your car’s year, make, and model to receive a full selection of parts that work for your car.

To change your cars wipers, follow these instructions:

  • First, figure out what type of wipers you need. You can find this out by visiting our website and entering your car’s details. From there, you will be provided with a selection of wipers that work with your car. In any event, you can always view your car’s owner manual and find the part you need there.
  • After you have your wipers, unlatch the old wipers from the car. Find out exactly how your car’s wipers latch on, as there are many different ways.
  • Once the blades are unlatched, remove them from your car and throw them away. This might require some focus or maneuvering, but soon enough, they will be off.
  • Specifically, if your new wipers include an optimizer pad, use this to remove grease and leftover oil off of the wipers so it won’t spread on your windshield.
  • Next, remove protective pads or plastic from the wipers.
  • Finally, latch the new wipers back on your car, completing these instructions in reverse.

Replacing your wipers is simple and shouldn’t take more than a couple of minutes. If you ever run into trouble, there’s a Quick Lane near you that can help you out! Don’t forget to view our selection of Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons that can help save you money on your next wiper purchase.

Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons

Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons

Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons

Next time you need your wipers replaced, use our Motorcraft parts coupons to purchase new wipers for $19.95 MSRP (Per Pair, without taxes). Our Motorcraft parts provide you with the quality you want at a cheaper price. No matter what you need, we always have an easy and affordable option to provide to you.

If you need to schedule an appointment with Ford, give us a call today at 859-341-6603 today. Then, at your appointment, bring your Charleston WV windshield wiper coupons in to receive money off your purchase!

Fun Facts about Charleston WV:

  • Charleston is home to a large National Guard Base.
  • Symphony Sunday, held annually; usually, the first weekend in June, is a full day of music, food, and family fun.
  • Charleston is the capital and largest city of the U.S. state of West Virginia.
  • For more fun facts about Charleston, please visit our official website.