Home » A Ford Tire Warranty to Protect Your Tires | Charleston, WV

A Ford Tire Warranty to Protect Your Tires | Charleston, WV

If you want a great way to protect your tires from everyday road hazards, be sure to ask your dealership representative about the Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV, available. Tires are expensive, and there are too many issues on the road that can cause harm to your tires. It doesn’t take a whole lot to ruin a perfectly good tire.

All it takes is some sharp enough objects or inconveniently placed debris to gouge or pop your brand-new tire. While Ford has some of the best-made tires out there on the market available for purchase, that still doesn’t mean they are indestructible. Therefore, you want to ensure you are covered for just about anything you run over or come across in your vehicle.

Ask your Ford dealership today to see how you can sign up for your Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV.

Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV

A Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV is a great way to protect your tire investment against everyday hazards.

Ford Tire Warranty Charleston, WV

The Ford TireCare Plus warranty is a great purchase to ensure you get new tires if something happens. Tires have one of the hardest jobs on your entire vehicle. They not only have to hold up a lot of weight but run over everything from dirt, mud, hot pavement, glass, nails, someone’s left shoe, you name it. Whatever your tire runs over, it could potentially ruin it.

These are circumstances that no one can completely avoid. You can’t swerve out of the way to keep from running over that 2×4 with nails in it that fell off the back of a truck. That can get dangerous, and you can’t always see the shards of glass lying in the road. Therefore, you want to ensure you have coverage on your tires so that when that happens, you don’t have to shell out another two to three hundred bucks on some tires.

When you invest in TireCare Plus, you can cover your tires against glass, metal, potholes, debris, nails, and even blowouts. This coverage also covers any cosmetic damage on your alloy, aluminum, and steel wheels. So if your run over something that scratches up your wheels, you will be covered; no problem.

Your tires will either be repaired or replaced depending on what it needs. Costs such as taxes, labor costings, mounting, disposing of, balancing, and valve stems are all covered.

You can also get a $100 reimbursement for towing to the nearest Ford or Lincoln dealership.

This great Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV deal can’t be beaten. There are no limits on claims benefits. This Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV covers the replacement of tires and wheels for the duration of the contract. It is available to new and used vehicles; however, it is only available at the time of purchase.

There are no mileage limitations either, and you can get up to seven years of coverage. It does not matter how often your tires get destroyed; you will still be covered. It covers tires with flat-run technology and any tire that is non-repairable with 3.32″ of tread depth or more remaining; customers can receive a reimbursement for the damages will be covered, and a replacement will be provided.

When Good Things End, Get a Ford Service Coupon

As the saying goes, all good things come to an end, and your Ford TireCare Plus plan will eventually end. But you will still need new tires eventually. So when the time comes to replace your tires, Ford Service Coupon will be here to help you out. Tires can be expensive, especially if you look into performance or heavy-duty tires.

So when you need to save money on a full set of tires or tire services, Ford Service Coupon is the perfect way to help you save money on those tires. Ford tire coupons are not the only way you can save money. Ford Service Coupon has tons of ways to save money on the most crucial services and parts you need for your vehicle.

Maintenance services are not always cheap, and people often push their vehicle services to the wayside to pay for more important priorities such as rent or food. However, Ford Service Coupon is here to help you stay within your budget and get the important services you need.

When you need maintenance services, be sure to check out all our coupons and promotions we have to offer. We always have something available; you never know what you can save on next.

Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV

Your Ford tire coupons are a great way to save money on that new set when your protection plan runs out.

Our coupons are redeemable at your local Ford dealership or at the nearest Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center. Get your coupons and start saving today.

Schedule Your Appointment Today

When your vehicle is due for services, be sure to set up an appointment as soon as possible. You don’t want to push your services off for too long. Preventative maintenance is the best way to help keep your vehicle in good working condition. Without preventative maintenance, your vehicle will start to deteriorate at a faster rate.

For instance, if you are due for a tire rotation, you want to get in soon because rotations can help make your tires last a lot longer and save you more money in the long run.

Todd Judy Ford East is the perfect place to go to get your tires rotated and anything else you may need for your vehicle. They have the best mechanics who have been professionally trained and certified. They have all the experience you want your mechanic to have to help with many services, including tires, engine issues, transmission services, brakes, and so much more. So call to make your appointment today.

If you don’t have time to set up an appointment and need fast service now, then head to your nearest Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center. They don’t require an appointment, and they are fast and efficient.

They have the same great technicians as your dealership. The technicians are just as certified and can handle services including transmissions, alternators, suspension, steering, heating and air-conditioning, brakes, oil changes, tires, and so much more.

From auto services to Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV, your Ford service center can help you get what you need today.

Ford tire warranty Charleston, WV

The Quick Lane® Tire & Auto Center is the best place for tire services! Call them or swing by today.

Fun Facts for Charleston, WV

  • Charleston is the center point for Kanawha County’s government,  commerce, and industry.
  • It has a population of about 48,864 people.
  • Coal, natural gas, and the railroad all contributed to Chaleston’s growth during the 20th century.