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Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft

Don’t let it be challenging to find auto parts; let Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft services at Ford help you.

There’s no reason to look elsewhere with their special savings and deals on certified Motorcraft brand car parts. 

Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft

When looking for the perfect car replacement parts, there’s no reason to be stressed. 

Especially when it comes to Ford’s 2021 service savings coupons, they have exactly what you need to have your car, truck, or SUV up and going on the road at optimal speeds.

Let Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft at Ford take care of all your vehicle needs. 

History of Pounding Mill

When it comes to the beautiful city of Pounding Mill, it is mostly known for the beautiful mountains and scenic routes along Virginia. 

Pounding Mill is also heavily known for its Native American origin history. With about 4,036 people, there are more than enough individual drivers that require a trusted auto shop. 

That’s where Ford motors come into play. With select deals and savings, especially when it comes to their Motorcraft brand auto parts, there’s no need to be worried about where to get your vehicle fixed or parts replaced. 

Firstly, it’s essential to understand what Motorcraft is and what OEM parts are.

What Are OEM Parts?

OEM parts are unique; the acronym stands for original equipment manufacture. This may sound confusing, but all that it means is that OEM parts come from the exact manufacturer that created your vehicle. 

Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft

Best part deals are found at Ford dealerships!

They’re made for the brand’s precise specification, so you, the customer, are reassured that you get top-notch quality. 

If you make the decision to go with aftermarket parts instead of OEM, you choose far less sustainable quality. Aftermarket parts come from a third party instead of OEM parts, so that means they are mass-produced on a scale that doesn’t necessarily meet particular vehicle replacement part requirements. 

Depending on your driving conditions or habits, these aftermarket parts will be detrimental to your vehicle’s health and the safety of others. 

The main appeal about aftermarket parts is that they are much cheaper traditionally than OEM parts. However, you will most certainly end up paying far more in damages in the end if you choose to go with the cheaper option in the moment. 

OEM Benefits

The OEM parts offer much more benefits than aftermarket parts could ever attempt to. These benefits include:

  • The exact fit on your vehicle
  • A faster response
  • Preserving the originality and quality of your car
  • Warranty

Exact fit

Since the original manufacturers create OEM vehicle parts, they are designed to fit your vehicle with the utmost precision. When you purchase aftermarket parts, you’re taking a risk on the potential of a few measurements being off.

Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft

Cruise in style with your brand new Ford OEM wheels.

While this may not sound like a giant deal, the size disparity between parts can be detrimental to the livelihood of your vehicle. 

Another good reason to purchase OEM parts is the reassurance that you will have the perfect vehicle part necessary. You won’t have to settle for a part that may or may not fit your car when choosing OEM. There’s a large selection of vehicle parts to choose from when it comes to Motorcraft OEM parts.

Faster response

 When siding with OEM parts, your response time will be far quicker than an independent shop. This is because the dealership stays stocked with all kinds of auto parts necessary to fit your car. 

If you choose an independent shop, there’s a good chance they’ll need to order said part. This is an option that could be days, or even weeks, to see results and get you back on the road again.

Preserving originality & quality

This is something that pertains a lot to car fanatics or collectors. They will undoubtedly prefer OEM Motorcraft car parts to the aftermarket. This is because the OEM parts ensure that the car’s original value is instilled.

With aftermarket parts, the value is undoubtedly reduced on certain cars, especially Ford classic cars. 

Also, since the parts are purchased through Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft Ford, there is a guaranteed higher quality on said parts. 

Ford manufacturers mass-produced products, similarly to aftermarket parts. However, Ford uses premium products and resources in doing their production.

With replacement parts, you’re going to want your car to work just as well as it did before. OEM Motorcraft parts ensure that your car replacement will not lessen your car, truck, or SUV’s overall value. 

Each OEM Motorcraft part is created for heightened performance and lasts much longer than aftermarkets ever could. 


The warranties that come with Ford Motorcraft OEM products cannot be matched to aftermarket parts. Most of these aftermarket parts do not cover any warranty whatsoever. 

After you pay to get your vehicle fixed, you need the reassurance that it’s going to last. Why spend the money for such uncertainty when Ford Motorcraft can offer this and much more? 

Check out the service coupon list of further savings to be had. 

Motorcraft OEM Products

When it comes to the savings to be had on Motorcraft products, there’s quite a list of items to choose from in Ford. 

Here are a few different vehicle parts Motorcraft can cover:

  • Air conditioning
  • Batteries
  • Belts
  • Brakes
  • Chasis
  • Chemicals
  • Cooling systems and caps
  • Drivetrain parts
  • Electrical
  • Filters
  • Fuel pumps
  • Lubricants
  • Relays, control modules, etc.
  • Sensors
  • Small electrical motors
  • Spark plugs
  • Steering
  • Suspension
  • Wiper blades

These are just a few of the premium certified Motorcraft brand items that could be replaced on your vehicle at Ford dealerships! Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft at Ford has all of this and more. 

Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft

Visit their official site for more information on optimal savings.

The Motorcraft parts coupon going on right now includes one payment of $19.96 MSRP for Motorcraft Premium Conventional wiper blades. Don’t forget about that warranty!

Not any other dealership in Pounding Mill can compete with such incredible savings for your car parts. 


When it boils down to it, you cannot skip out on quality for something as vital as your vehicle.

Ford curated this 2021 coupon savings list to ensure you, Pounding Mill’s vehicle owners, have a reliable automobile shop to take your car to that doesn’t put a massive dent in your pocket. 

Pounding Mill VA Motorcraft at Claypool Hill Ford dealerships is your one-stop-shop for optimal savings on all things auto parts. 

Fun Facts of Pounding Mill:

  • Pounding Mill is home to the Official Coal Miner’s memorial.
  • It is also home to the Crab Orchard’s Museum.
  • The town of Pounding Mill belongs to Tazewell County.
  • For more information please visit their official site!
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