Ford Quick Lane | Mount Vernon, IN

Check out how a Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN compares to a local Ford dealership like Expressway Ford. There are fewer Quick Lane Tire and Auto Centers nationwide than Ford dealers. You’ll have an easier time finding quality service from a reputable dealership than going to a local Quick Lane. When it’s time for your car’s next maintenance service, schedule an appointment with Expressway Ford for excellent service.

Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN

A local Ford Quick Lane and Ford dealer has what your car needs to stay in perfect shape.

What is a Quick Lane Tire & Auto Center?
Ford Motor Company has a chain of auto service shops called Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center. It provides services like oil changes, brake checks, battery replacements, wheel rotations, and more that are quick and easy to get. Quick Lane centers are often attached to or placed inside car dealerships, making them a safe and reliable place to get your car fixed or maintained.

Unfortunately, there are only a little over 800 locations in the country. Although there may be a location near you, there are probably other auto shops closer, like a reliable Ford dealership.

How does a Ford Quick Lane compare with a Ford dealership?
There are many services that a Quick Lane offers that a Ford dealership does, but they tend to focus more on quick and routine maintenance chores. A Ford dealer has more services, like fixing cars under warranty and doing advanced diagnostics on Ford cars. A Quick Lane center, on the other hand, is made to help cars of any make or model.

Customers can get their cars serviced without an appointment, and the work is usually done in less time at a Ford Quick Lane. They are known for their quick turnaround times and ease. Overall, Quick Lane centers are a quick and cheap way to take care of basic vehicle repair and maintenance needs.

What Services Does a Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN Have?

Maintenance and repairs are the number one priority and responsibility of car owners. Your car’s routine maintenance ensures that it will work as intended, maintaining safety and performance on the road. There are many services that a Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center can do to keep your car working well. These are some of the most popular services they offer:

Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN

You can get regular maintenance and service from a local Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN.

  • Oil Change: Quick Lane shops do quick and easy oil changes that include changing the oil filter and putting new oil in the engine.
  • Replacement and Repair of Tires: They rotate, balance, and line tires. Of course, they can also fix or replace tires that are gone.
  • Checking and fixing the Brakes: Most places have brake services to ensure the safety and proper working of the car’s brakes. If you need it, they can replace your brake pads and do other fixes.
  • Replace the Battery: If a car’s battery is old or not keeping a charge, Quick Lane centers can replace it with a new one so the car can start and its electrical system works properly.
  • Wheel Alignment: They can check and fix the vehicle’s wheel alignment to keep the tires from wearing unevenly and improve driving and safety.
  • Fluid Replacement: To keep important parts of your car in good shape, Quick Lane shops offer services like coolant flushes, transmission fluid changes, and power steering fluid replacements.
  • Filter Replacements: They can change different filters, like air and cabin air filters, to ensure that the engine and cabin airflow are clean and efficient.
  • Change Light Bulbs: Quick Lane shops can change broken or burned-out light bulbs for all lights inside and outside the car.

These are some services that Quick Lane Tire and Auto Centers offer customers. They aim to keep cars running at their best by offering easy and thorough services. However, if you can’t find a Ford Quick Lane near you, there’s an easy alternative to these quality auto services. You can go to a local Ford dealership like Expressway instead for the same quality services you can find at a Ford Quick Lane!

The Importance of Regular Maintenance Services

Regular repair is very important for keeping a car running well and lasting a long time. Because of these things:

  • Safety: Regular repair ensures that important parts of the car, like the brakes and tires, are in good shape. This keeps drivers, passengers, and other people on the road safe and helps prevent crashes.
  • Preventative Maintenance: Regular checks and maintenance can help find and fix small problems before they get worse. This can keep things from breaking down or failing without warning, saving you a lot of money on fixes in the future.
  • Longevity: If you take good care of your car by doing normal maintenance, it will last longer. You can keep your car in good shape and enjoy it for longer by fixing problems as soon as they come up and keeping parts in good shape.

Overall, getting your car serviced regularly keeps it safe and reliable, boosts its performance and fuel economy, and saves money by avoiding expensive repairs. If you want to take the best care of your car, follow the manufacturer’s maintenance plan and talk to professionals like those at Quick Lane Tire and Auto Center. You can save on your necessary services with any of the coupons and rebates from Ford Service Coupon.

Ford Quick Lane Mount Vernon, IN

We’ll show you why your local Ford dealership is just as good as a Ford Quick Lane.

Service From a Station You Trust

When it’s time for your car’s next maintenance service, don’t hunt down a Ford Quick Lane. Although there might not be a Quick Lane by you, there is sure to be a Ford dealership within your reach. For example, Expressway Ford also has everything your Ford vehicle needs to maintain its performance on the road.

Call the dealership to learn more about what services are available for your vehicle. You can also call to schedule a visit for service. The technicians can show you why your local Ford dealership is the best place to bring your Ford besides a Ford Quick Lane.

Mount Vernon, Indiana Fun Facts:

  • The city is the county seat of Posey County.
  • The town is named after the original Mount Vernon.
  • The area was originally called McFaddin’s Bluff.